UtSTA 2024: Out-Of-This-World Science Teaching
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Friday, October 11

9:30am MDT

Bring out the “See” in the SEEd Standards: Arts Integration in Early Childhood Science
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
In this session, we will look at ways to support students in observing, connecting with and communicating science concepts. For learners whose expressive language is in formative stages, drawing provides another, rich method of solidifying and communicating what they are seeing and noticing. It taps into visual, kinesthetic and linguistic processes. Observational drawing teaches students to focus on details and make comparisons with similar concepts.
As instructors, it provides a window into student thinking affording us opportunities for informal assessment. In addition to scientific drawing, arts integration will include examples of drama, song and movement.

Attendees will develop a greater understanding of the role of scientific/observational drawing in learning and memory.They will explore ways to support classroom observation and communication. Hands-on exposure to phenomenon and direct observation are powerful motivators for students.

Practical ways to engage with relevant phenomena using the K-2 SEEd Standards will be presented.
avatar for Diane Edwards

Diane Edwards

Teacher, Jordan
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Meridian A

9:30am MDT

Kindergarten and 1st grade explore the world of light and sound.
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Looking at 1st grade SEEd standard 1.3 Light and Sound, we will show how to get your kindergarteners and 1st graders involved through hands on rotations. Even though this is focused on a 1st grade SEEd standard we will show you how you can implement this in your kindergarten class. We will explore the cause and effect relationship between sound and vibrations, the effect of light on objects, effect of materials in the path of a beam of light, and more. We hope to leave everyone with ideas that they can do implement in their own classes.  

Kayla Ford

1st Grade Teacher, Davis School District
avatar for Julie Young

Julie Young

South Weber Elementary, Davis School District
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Twilight 4

9:30am MDT

Science Bootcamp: Empowering Educators in Three-Dimensional Science Teaching
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
This class is a look at all things science teaching where we talk about the basics of inquiry and student discourse, core ideas and student proficiency, and the integration of subject areas. We will engage with scientific phenomena that bring science concepts to life. Participants will go through a blend of inquiry-based activities that will help them and their students not only understand scientific principals but also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. We will look at how vertical collaboration, has helped our students master and reinforce Science and Engineering concepts. Participants will look at how fifth and sixth grade vertically align in strands 5.3 and 6.4. Teachers will walk away with ideas that can be utilized immediately. While we are looking at where 5th and 6th grade overlap this deep dive into the Science and Engineering Practices, and Cross Cutting Concepts can be used K-12.  ​Drive Folder with Resources​​​
avatar for Emily Perkins

Emily Perkins

5th Grade Teacher, Cedar Valley Elementary
Emily Perkins is the 5th grade teacher at Cedar Valley Elementary in Cedar Fort, Utah. She has been the 5th grade teacher for the last 12 years. Emily enjoys creating high-quality, engaging cross-curricular learning experiences for her students. Emily is on the district science, math... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Kantaris

Michelle Kantaris

6th Grade Teacher, Cedar Valley Elementary
Michelle Kantaris is a 6th grade teacher at Cedar Valley Elementary in Cedar Fort, Utah.. She presently teaches 6th grade with prior experience in grades K-8. Michelle has a passion for reaching students through engaging cross-curricular activities. Michelle is on the district science... Read More →
avatar for Robyn LaBare

Robyn LaBare

Classroom Educator - Eaglecrest, Alpine District - Science Leadership
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Twilight 3

9:30am MDT

The Wonder of Plants for Survival
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Have you ever wondered about the miracle of plants? Scientists have studied plants for years and have discovered the unique characteristics various diversities of plants offer our world, including why humans need them for survival. In this presentation, teachers will discover similar patterns plants and humans need to live. Then, using the information they gathered, they will investigate why and how plants affect human existence. Teachers will learn how to use their knowledge from this session to teach this phenomenon to their students.
The presentation uses Strand K.2: Living things and their surroundings, Strand 1.2: The needs of living things and their offspring, and Strand 2.2: Living things and their habitats. We will focus on patterns, structure, function, communication, and investigation.
avatar for Annette Ward

Annette Ward

Teacher, Weber School District
Annette Ward is a teacher at North Park Elementary School in the Weber School District.  She has been teaching children for 15 years but has also taught and served teachers in various roles. She earned her master’s degree from Southern Utah University where she studied the effects... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Twilight 1

9:30am MDT

Unlocking STEM Potential: Integrating Rich, Authentic and Engaging Math, ELA, and Computer Science in the Elementary Science/STEM Classroom
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
This session will focus on innovative strategies for integrating Mathematics, English Language Arts (ELA), and Computer Science into the elementary STEM classroom, ensuring full alignment with the Utah SEEd standards.

Educators will gain practical insights and discover engaging, research-based activities that enhance student learning and foster a deeper understanding of core STEM concepts. Participants will explore effective ways to embed Math, ELA, and Technology/Computer Science into their existing science curriculum, resulting in a more dynamic and immersive learning environment.

The session will emphasize the value of hands-on, experiential learning and the application of real-world contexts to promote student engagement and relevance. By the conclusion of this workshop, attendees will have access to a comprehensive toolkit of resources and strategies, equipping them to seamlessly incorporate authentic, interdisciplinary integrations of Math, ELA, and Technology/Computer Science into their STEM instruction.
avatar for Cynthia Lloyd

Cynthia Lloyd

Elementary Science/Math/STEM Specialist, Canyons School District
Cynthia is the Elementary Science/Math/STEM Specialist in the Canyons School District. She holds a Master of Arts in Teaching, as well as endorsements in English Language Learners (ELL), STEM, and Educational Technology. Prior to her current position, she taught 6th grade, mathematics... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Meridian C

9:30am MDT

Using Strategies from LETRS to Integrate Science and ELA
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Finding the time for effective and equitable science instruction in elementary classrooms is a challenge.  To address this challenge, teachers are told to integrate.  What does effective integration look like and how do teachers plan for it?  This session shares ideas for integrating the science of reading and sense-making in science.  Participants will be introduced to a framework for aligning 5E lessons with the LETRS reading comprehension checklist. Participants will learn how to use phenomena to frame integrated lessons, when to introduce vocabulary, and how to use sentence anagrams, graphic organizers, sorts, and paragraph frames to support comprehension and writing.
avatar for Megan Black

Megan Black

Elementary Science Specialist, Granite School District
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
The Zephyr

9:30am MDT

Weaving the SEEd Standards with our Public Lands: A How-to Guide in Using Zion National Park and U.S. Forest Service Educational Resources
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
A tour of educational resources developed by Zion National Park and the U.S. Forest educational teams. We will acquaint attendees with the numerous resources at their fingertips, like lesson plans that align with Seed Standards, multimedia tools, virtual visits, classroom visits, online resources and networking links, Nature Watch, Every Kid Outdoors, and how to plan your own educational visit to your public lands. The principles discussed in this session will also generally apply to other Utah National Parks and public land agencies helping you get your students outside and connected to the unparalleled natural resources of Utah.
Friday October 11, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am MDT
Meridian G

10:50am MDT

3rd Grade SEEd: Forces of Flight Presentation
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
These activities have students observe the phenomenon of flight and examine how the interactions between lift, drag, thrust, and weight affects how an airframe flies. Students will design and build paper airplanes and use the information gained from this lesson to predict patterns of motions in their designs. This activity supports SEEd standard 3.3.1, concerning the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces, and SEEd standard 3.3.3, concerning the gravitational effects of Earth. This presentation is offered thanks to funding provided by the Northrop Grumman Foundation, and in partnership with the Clark Planetarium.
avatar for Jake Murray

Jake Murray

Education Specialist, Hill Aerospace Museum
Jake Murray graduated from Weber State University in 2022 with a Bachelor's Degree in History. He has been involved in public education since 2020 and now works as an Education Specialist at the Hill Aerospace Museum.
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
Stratus 6

10:50am MDT

OED Core Drilling for Oil 5.1.1
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
This lesson is alligned to standard 5.1.1 in the 5th grade standards. The participates will experience making sense of a phenonmenon as they learn how to recognize layers in core samples and understand the necessity of core samples. They will learn how to identify the location of an oil deposit based on the patterns they are seeing. Free equipment provided!
avatar for Camie Simpson

Camie Simpson

Science Specialist, Nebo School District
This is my 26th year in education.  I am currently the K-5 Science Specialist in Nebo school district.  I love helping teachers and students alike make sense of the world around them!!All of the materials I will be using for my presentation can be found at the following link:ht... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
Stratus 7

10:50am MDT

Science in Motion
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
This in-depth program will look at standard K.3 and how it provides a strong foundation for the 7th-grade force and motion strand. Teachers will walk away with activities they can implement in their classrooms.
avatar for Emilee King

Emilee King

Education Manager, The Leonardo
Emilee King-Ward is the Education Manager at The Leonardo where she oversees a statewide science outreach program, summer camps, and other educational programs at the museum. She has spent over 10 years in informal education including time at Wasatch Community Gardens, Boy Scouts... Read More →
avatar for Laura Cotter

Laura Cotter

Historian, Utah Science Teaching Association
Laura Cotter is the Director of Administration and Education at The Leonardo. She also has served on the Board of the Utah Science Teaching Association since 2019 as Region 3 Representative, Informal Science Education Representative, and currently as the historian. She was the Division... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
Twilight 4

10:50am MDT

Seed Sleuths
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
Learn how your 2nd grade students can go from sleuth to scientist while using Red Butte Garden's Botany Boxes. The Seed Sleuths Botany Box directly supports SEEd standard 2.2.3 with hands on observations and experiments using 6 different seeds and fruits. Come observe, draw, wonder, and do experiments with fruits and seeds involving wind, water, gravity and animals. Then design your own seed and model how it would be dispersed.

Heather Paulsen

Teacher Resource Coordinator, Red Butte Garden
Heather has over 20 years of experience in both formal and informal education K-12. Most of that has been spent in informal science education working with statewide programs that include outreach, teacher resources, professional development and writing curriculum to support state... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
Meridian A

10:50am MDT

Teaching young students how to Obtain, Evaluate, and Communicate with differentiation and exploration
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
As a first grade teacher I know it can be overwhelming to teach young children complicated Science and Engineering practices. However, with a few simple changes and techniques what once felt overwhelming can suddenly be simple and engaging for students when we connect these practices to students own schema and experiences. Using the SEPs is essential to the SEEd standards across multiple disciplinary core ideas. I am choosing to focus on how to engage students in Obtain, Evaluate, and Communicate, as this is a building block towards more advance scientific practices. I really want to help share the importance of helping students build the understanding of these processes by integrating them into many different areas. This is a concept we use in math, literature, art, etc, Its a basic principal that facilitates students scientific thinking. I will show fun props and picture cards to remind students of the steps involved in this process, and then allow participants to explore in several engaging center based activities to determine which methods, materials, or information best supports their individual learning targets in a way that is natural through play and exploration.

Center 1: student use photos feed and models of animals to obtain needed information and to evaluate which animal left marks along a trail, and then communicate that in a journal or with a partner....?

Center 2: Students use qr codes to view videos and photos of the sun, moon, and sky patterns to obtain information, evaluate the information to determine why they moon changes shape in the sky over a period of time, and be able to communicate that with a picture, model, or a written or verbal description.

Center 3: Students determine which type of material would be best to block out the light of the sun on a hot day by experimenting with different types of materials to obtain, evaluate, and communicate why some materials are better at blocking out light.....
Friday October 11, 2024 10:50am - 11:50am MDT
Meridian F

1:00pm MDT

Fourth Grade Kinesthetic Astronomy
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Clark Planetarium provides professional development training for fourth-grade teachers on how to implement a kinesthetic activity aligned with Strand 4.4 from the Utah SEEd Standards. By using their bodies to model the Earth, participants will demonstrate how rotation and revolution cause the cycles of day and night and changing constellations throughout the year. Participants will also become individual stars by holding an LED light as they investigate how distance relates to perceived brightness and will work together to form the constellation of Orion. This session will emphasize developing and using models to provide students with evidence for observable patterns that can be used to construct explanations for astronomical phenomena. Clark Planetarium is happy to offer a free kit of take-away materials so that teachers can replicate the activities in their classroom.
avatar for Jason Trump

Jason Trump

Education Programs Supervisor, Clark Planetarium
Jason Trump brings substantial expertise in both formal (classroom) and informal (outside the classroom) science education. In addition to his duties as the Education Program Supervisor at Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City, he manages a multi-institutional outreach effort for NASA’s... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Meridian E

1:00pm MDT

Motivating Students to Read, Write, and Engage in Discourse
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
The teacher’s role in the classroom is to motivate students to learn. Curiosity is an important and useful tool for teaching science. Teachers can develop effective strategies with the SEEd Standards to leverage curiosity that motivates students to read, engage in discourse, and write .

Good science instruction can motivate students to develop literacy skills. Building literacy skills in our students is an important tool for learning science. Scientific investigation effectively motivates students to develop better reading comprehension, build skills for engaging in evidence-based discourse, and improve writing skills (NRC, 2019).

Students enter the classroom with diverse abilities, needs, and backgrounds. Selecting and using local and culturally relevant phenomena is an important way to engage all science investigations. Making connections to place-based aspects of science phenomena adds to the relevance of science for each student and motivates students to engage in discourse, reading, and writing.
avatar for Candace Penrod

Candace Penrod

District Science Supervisor/President 2026, Salt Lake City School District/NSELA (National Science Education Leadership Association)
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Twilight 1

1:00pm MDT

Place-based Teaching as an Interdisciplinary Practice
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Zion National Park rangers will demonstrate place-based, interdisciplinary teaching practices designed for use in any outdoor location – from National Parks to your own schoolyard. Join us for an interactive curriculum development session linking Utah Core Standards in Science to English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Fine Arts through exploration of the immediate landscape. The techniques discussed in this session are appropriate for K-12 educators, with an emphasis on connecting concepts and skills across multiple subject areas on your own school campus. Teaching practices may be used to develop new classroom content, enrich existing lesson plans, or support teachers in self-guided off-site field trips.
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Meridian D

1:00pm MDT

Power House Strategies to Deepen Phenomenon Based Learning
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Want to up the engagement level in your Science instruction while simultaneously increasing student ownership of their own learning and foster their critical thinking skills? If so, I invite you to join me as I share some powerful strategies that can be tailored to fit any lesson. Incorporating these strategies will also help you to ensure that your lesson design, learning goals, and lesson instruction implementation all directly align with the SEEd standards.

avatar for Dari Thacker

Dari Thacker

4th & 5th Grade Elementary Teacher, Silver Summit Elementary
I am an elementary teacher in a hybrid differentiated elementary school. I've taught all K-5 grades over the past decade. I currently teach 4th & 5th grade. I am passionate about giving students the skills they need to think for themselves, develop executive functioning skills, and... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Stratus 8

1:00pm MDT

Tree Detectives
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Come learn how your 1st grade students can go from detective to dendrochronologist (scientist who studies tree rings) while using Red Butte Garden's Botany Boxes. The Tree Detectives Botany Box directly supports SEEd standard 1.2.1 with hands on observations and wonders using your very own tree cookies. Learn how trees grow and to determine how much sunlight and water a tree received during its life. Then analyze data and make a plan to save a grove of dying trees.

Heather Paulsen

Teacher Resource Coordinator, Red Butte Garden
Heather has over 20 years of experience in both formal and informal education K-12. Most of that has been spent in informal science education working with statewide programs that include outreach, teacher resources, professional development and writing curriculum to support state... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Meridian A

2:20pm MDT

Conservation In Your Classroom
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Come engage with Ogden Nature Center as we show you how to bring STEM learning, community science, and conservation to your students. We will go over methods and materials for 3 different conservation projects. Level 1: simple seed bombs-perfect for a short lesson. Level 2: Composting in the classroom-a low cost year long project that helps reduce waste. Level 3: Creating a pollinator garden for your school-a longer term project that requires planning and investment. Whatever your classroom age or level of time and commitment, we have something for you. So come learn how to engage your students in conservation and come ready to get your hands a little dirty!
STRANDS: K.2, 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.1, 5.3 , 6.4
avatar for Kylie Friedman

Kylie Friedman

Assistant Education Director, Ogden Nature Center
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Twilight 3

2:20pm MDT

How does modeling support students’ scientific sensemaking? 
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
This presentation is an introduction to student sensemaking through modeling aligned to SEEd Strand 2.1 Changes in Earth’s Surface. Participants will experience what scientific modeling looks like in practice through the lens of the 2nd grade Earth’s systems unit, “Moncton” from Ambitious Science Teaching. In this unit students are constructing explanations about a puzzling phenomenon, what caused the mountain town of Moncton to flood? Participants will observe what student modeling looked like in a classroom, define what modeling is, and learn strategies to support student scientific modeling and sensemaking.

This presentation is adapted from the Module: Introduction to Sensemaking through Modeling from Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education.
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Aurora Board Room

2:20pm MDT

Ooblek Odyssey: Uniting Matter, engineering practices, inquiry, and crosscutting concepts through a cross-curricular lens.
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Join us for "Ooblek Odyssey,” where we embark on an interdisciplinary journey through the captivating world of Ooblek. This interactive session invites educators to explore the unique properties of Ooblek—a non-Newtonian fluid—while seamlessly integrating engineering practices, inquiry-based learning, and cross-cutting concepts across various disciplines. Look at where SEEd standards 5.2 and 6.2 meet and get ideas about how you can work together to build mastery in your students.

Through engaging demonstrations and hands-on activities, participants will discover how Ooblek serves as a powerful educational tool to foster critical thinking and scientific inquiry. By examining Ooblek through a cross-curricular lens, we will unveil its potential to enhance learning experiences in science, language arts and beyond.

Whether you're a seasoned educator seeking innovative teaching strategies or a curious learner eager to delve into the wonders of matter, this presentation promises to inspire, educate, and ignite a passion for interdisciplinary exploration.


avatar for Emily Perkins

Emily Perkins

5th Grade Teacher, Cedar Valley Elementary
Emily Perkins is the 5th grade teacher at Cedar Valley Elementary in Cedar Fort, Utah. She has been the 5th grade teacher for the last 12 years. Emily enjoys creating high-quality, engaging cross-curricular learning experiences for her students. Emily is on the district science, math... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Kantaris

Michelle Kantaris

6th Grade Teacher, Cedar Valley Elementary
Michelle Kantaris is a 6th grade teacher at Cedar Valley Elementary in Cedar Fort, Utah.. She presently teaches 6th grade with prior experience in grades K-8. Michelle has a passion for reaching students through engaging cross-curricular activities. Michelle is on the district science... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Stratus 6

2:20pm MDT

Synergies in Action: Bridging Science, English Language Arts and Technology
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
During this session participants will engage in hands-on and collaborative activities that center around the free online digital tools that inspire creativity and foster interdisciplinary connections. Natural History Museum of Utah’s Research Quest provides a brilliant resource that aligns to Utah science standards, builds students proficiency in the science and engineering practices while supplies students with the research needed to easily complete an informative essay that supports your ELA standards. Whether you're a science enthusiast, language arts aficionado, or tech-savvy educator, this session offers valuable insights and practical ideas to enrich your teaching practice and empower your students for success in a rapidly evolving world.
avatar for Lynn Gutzwiller

Lynn Gutzwiller

Jordan School District Science Specialist, Jordan School District, West Jordan Utah
Having been deemed the Gandalf of Teachers after her extensive career in the classroom, Lynn now works with adults as a district science specialist during the day and as a science teacher for adult education in the evening—despite earning a C in science in third grade. She’s an... Read More →
avatar for Lynn Gutzwiller

Lynn Gutzwiller

Jordan School District Science Specialist, Jordan School District
Rachel is a 25 year veteran of education and has successfully parented two of her four children to adulthood. She hails from Oklahoma, and now calls Riverton, Utah home. Her teaching superpower of creativity makes her a master of curriculum development. Secretly, Rachel wishes she... Read More →
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Meridian A

2:20pm MDT

We are the Explorers! Bringing together NASA’s STEM graphic novels, robotics, and moon exploration.
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Discover ways to blend language arts, programming, and exploration. The NASA First Woman graphic novel series follows the fictional adventures of Callie Rodriquez and her colleagues as they search for solutions to the challenges of Moon exploration. Engage in a hands-on robotics and programming learning experience from the First Woman Camp Guide. From camps to classrooms, we will learn how to adjust the lesson to your students’ needs.
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Stratus 7

2:20pm MDT

Wild About Learning: Using Utah's Hogle Zoo’s Field Trip Program To Enhance Science Learning
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Utah's Hogle Zoo is working on updating their field trip program to provide more educational opportunities for students. Learn how  these updates will help reach SEEd standards through engaging new activities provided by staff and resources that tie in what is learned at the zoo to what you can do in your classroom.
avatar for Angelina Kump

Angelina Kump

Academic Program Supervisor, Utah's Hogle zoo
I have a masters degree in curriculum and instruction and educational leadership. I have been working in the informal education world for 12 years and love helping other educators find ways to connect the natural world in everything they teach.
Friday October 11, 2024 2:20pm - 3:20pm MDT
Twilight 4
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